Welcome to K&K

KandKKittiKats was created from our mutual love for the beautiful Persian, Chinchilla Persian, and Himalayan cats. We are Diane and Ray, and we are lovingly known to our cats as their servants! We are very passionate cat lovers. We have been raising kittens for many years.

We are a CFA (The Cat Fancier’s Association) registered, hobby Persian, Chinchilla Persian, and Himalayan cat breeder in Plano, Texas, just north of Dallas.  We feel that it is essential to focus not only on the health of our kittens but to ensure they are well-socialized. Our adopting families will tell you how loving and well-socialized our kittens are. We raise our kittens underfoot, without cages, and provide them with socialization and loving care. Since our kittens have full roam of our home, they will settle into your home with ease.  When you adopt a kitten from us, you become an extended family. We are here for you for the life of our kitten and beyond.

Our love and focus are on the beautiful Persian, Chinchilla Persian, and Himalayan cat breeds. We offer kittens for adoption as part of our hobby. We only work with Persians, Chinchilla Persians, and Himalayans and specialize in Shaded and Blue Golden Chinchilla Persians, Calicos, Bi-Colors, Black Smokes and Chocolates. Within the Himalayan breed, we focus on Flame Points, Seal Points, and Seal Lynx Points.

We work with Grand Champion Persian, Chinchilla Persian, and Himalayan bloodlines. We work with Kopy Kapp, Kinapak, Joleigh, Sandypaws, Stardazl, Brettachtal’s and Dreamz bloodlines.

Our breeding cats are DNA tested by Wisdom Panel, the definitive means to ensure the absence of genetic abnormalities and susceptibilities. Essentially, this means we are not only negative for the major genetic diseases of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) as well as PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy).  Specific breeds have a genetic predisposition to specific diseases and by DNA testing our cats, we ensure we are not breeding unhealthy cats. In addition to the DNA testing, we also test our incoming adults to ensure they are not carrying infectious diseases such as FELV and FIV.

Although we are based in Texas, we have kittens available for adoption and placement to anywhere around the world, both as breeders and as pets. We can arrange delivery to all 50 US States, Canada, and Western Europe. We can deliver to other destinations as well. These would be considered on a case-by-case basis. Persians and Himalayans being a brachycephalic breed (flat-faced) cannot be transported by air as unaccompanied cargo; they must be transported in the cabin, which requires a pet nanny.

If you are applying to adopt a Persian, Chinchilla Persian, or Himalayan cat or kitten, please contact us about our available Persian, Chinchilla Persian, and Himalayan kittens. We would love to hear from you.